Random facts about me

Profile picture of Selina from Positively Sew in a coral coloured top smiling at the camera

My mum is Swiss and my dad is Swedish. They met here in Perth shortly after they migrated and have been together since. My biggest regret is that I don’t speak either language!

✨After trying my hand at sewing fiddly Barbie clothes in the early 90s, the first outfit I made all by myself was a pair of overalls. I remember them clearly, each leg was a different colour and they had a red pocket on the front bib. I used to wear them to Rockeisteddfod practice in year 9 and although quite shy –I still thought I was the bomb.

✨My guilty pleasure is chocolate. Not just any chocolate –SWISS chocolate.

I blame my mother for my taste (love you Mum😘)

Once it’s part of your pallet, it’s very hard to eat Cadbury’s.

✨I had my own fashion label for a few seasons straight out of TAFE and continued to gain industry experience by working for two of Perth’s top fashion designers, Aurelio Costarella and Ruth Tarvydas. I treasure my time with them as it instilled in me a respect for quality made garments and a love of beautiful, creative design.

Picture of Selina from Positively Sew smiling an looking to the side with her chin on layers of fabric

✨I love clothes, but dislike fast fashion. Sure, it has its place, but it’s also very wasteful. So I make a lot of my own clothes. These days, I’d rather repair my favourite threads, visit the op shops or make something from my stash than buy something new.

✨I have a serious addiction to fabric! I’ve collected and been gifted so much of it over the years that I store it in colour coordinated boxes in one of those Ikea shelf units, you know the ones -and it’s not big enough! I call it my insulated wall. Don’t ask me to get rid of any, the fallout would not be good 😂

✨I love all things handmade. And always think “but I can make that”, even things out of my skill level. So I buy the stuff to try it myself and then let it sit for years without giving it a go. Tell me I am not alone! 🤦🏼‍♀️

✨I love colour, sparkly things and Rainbows are my jam –I effing LOVE ‘em! Instant boost of happiness! 🌈

A snapshot from my time as a TAFE student, being photographed for an article about my Student of the Year recognition.

✨I’ve taught at TAFE, lecturing in design and production and was part of a team introducing Vocational Education Training to high school students. Here I found my love of teaching and seeing confidence grow in students when they mastered new sewing or design skills. It lights me up seeing people start believing in themselves and their creative ability!

✨As a child, I struggled with anxiety, but found comfort and joy in the act of sewing and creating. And now, my journey has taken a new turn. My daughter, while always creative, doesn't learn well from me - we may be too similar 😉.

Our attempts at sewing lessons in the past often ended in mutual frustration. She's headstrong and had her way of doing things! I stopped pushing for both our sanities, but it's a big regret I haven't taught her sooner.

I knew I had to find another way to teach her, a different approach.

That's where the idea for my sewing subscription boxes came to life.

I know there are busy parents out there like me. Parents who want the best for their children's creativity and confidence. But are hesitant to add yet another after-school activity to their already-packed schedules.

  • It's my COMMITMENT to nurture creativity, confidence and personal growth in your child through the art of sewing.

  • As a mum myself, I understand the demands of your busy life and your wish for quality time with your child, as well as your need for a little "me time."

  • I'm dedicated to providing an engaging and hassle-free experience that grows your child's skills, confidence, thriftiness and creativity.

Are you ready to join a nurturing community?

Let’s get stitching together!

Child watching sewing video on iPad and practicing hand sewing


"I had the pleasure of being taught by Selina from Positively Sew a while back. I wanted to understand some basics of sewing and using patterns. We made some beautiful pieces I still wear today. I received practical tips and advice. The best part was actually the confidence I discovered after the lessons when I found I could do things on my own at home without instruction. Selina teaches in a fun and kind manner and I was always excited to go and work on the next project. Learning at any age is just brilliant and Selina made it a wonderful experience for me. I would highly recommend her to adults and children who want to learn this incredible skill"

- Sonia

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